Monday, December 10, 2012


Since August of this year I have been Sidelined.

This is how I have been spending most of my time.
 Cozy socks on me feets, reading, watching movies, drinking green tea...or vodka lemonade..
I am finally at the age where all of my former injuries are coming back to haunt me. ~ The times I fell down ice skating, the times I fell down skiing, the times I fell off my bike, the times I over did it in dance class, the time I tried to move the piano by myself, the time I fell off of my CLOGS..Well, you get the picture. There are a lot of unfortunate things going on in my back. It is Painful and Annoying! I cannot walk more than a half a block. Augh!!!
 I have been chiropractored and accupunctured and massaged and physical therapied and yoga-ed and Pilated. I hang daily from the monkey bars.  I have been tossed around the murky seas of the American Health Care System. I have been x-rayed and MRIed and I even let a very nice doctor stick a couple of needles into my spine. Augh!!! All to no avail.

Meanwhile my garden has been given over to Mother Nature.

I actually think it looks Better this way.

We've been eating way too much take-out. Tho, this pizza is pretty good..spinach/ricotta. Yum!

I have been trying to take Inspiration from the Collage on my Refrigerator.


I've set up a little shrine to Ganesha, Remover of Obstacles and added a nice straight piece of Crystal for Strength and Clarity. 

He's still alive. Really! He just likes to sleep this way.
Even my poor dog, Pancake, is totally EXASPERATED!
This kind of explains the number of blog posts from my home. It's getting pretty boring...

That is my "twin", Christie Brinkley, who underwent back surgery a couple of years ago and is now dancing in the musical "Chicago"! I need to know these things!!!

Since I can't really walk very far I pedal and pedal away the days on the stationary bike while I browse shoe shopping websites and Google "celebrities with back injuries" and visit my Beloved Blog Friends ~ Yes..YOU. I LOVE reading about what is going on in your lives. You probably weren't even aware of it but You have ALL really been helping me to get through this.
 Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU!!!!!
As you read this, I am hopped up on pain meds recovering from back surgery...because who doesn't want to spend the holidays in a back brace???? See you in the New Year!!!


  1. So happy to see your post - wishing you a very speedy recovery --- I know it has been a long haul being 'sidelined' but soon you will be kicking up your heels like your 'twin' and belting out 'all that jazz' ---- love ya!!!

    And on a selfish note, hurry back to teaching Pilates, my core strength has diminished to almost non-existence :-)

  2. The pizza looks delicious & your poochie is extra cute.
    I hope your back heals up quickly.

  3. Oh Connie, you poor love! I knew you had back troubles but hadn't realised you were needing surgery. That night at Studio 54 has a lot to answer for... Still obsessed with that story of the moulting faux fur, love it!
    So I hope the surgery is successful, that you make a timely recovery, and can get back to decent mobility, if not quite high-kicking, as soon as soon can be.
    I've been missing your posts and your comments - don't be a stranger! xxxxxx

  4. Connie, I will pray for your speedy recovery. I hope when you receive Heather's book that it will keep you company and inspired. May you and your family have a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. Take this time to rest and heal. May God bless you. Pamela

  5. I'm so sorry to read about your back troubles, if it's any consolation at least you got them through doing something exciting and fabulous rather than just being boringly born with them (me).
    Take your time recovering, gazing upon your lovely garden, poking the dog occasionally to check he's still alive and we'll do our best to keep you entertained! xxx

  6. Oh Dear Connie, I really hope you are over the worst of it and the surgery proves successful in ridding you of your back problem. Back pain is the worst and so debilitating. I hope you are getting loads of pampering and attention at home. I put up with years of back pain before i finally discovered that the cause was my gall bladder. (Weird I know)
    Actually, vodka lemonade, pizza and prescription pain killers is a wonderful combination and always best taken while you have a good excuse to.
    Little Bee and Rosy send big healing hugs your way. Message from Little Bee ....'hope you get better soon, Connie (and more pics of pancake PLEEEEAAASSE!)'
    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (two from me, one for pancake, the rest for you from LB)

  7. I had no idea! I'm so sorry you have been in such pain and really hope the surgery did the trick. There really is nothing worse than when our bodies hurt, it makes simple things like being happy difficult. I hope your friends and family are taking good care of you and yes let's get together next time I'm in San Diego. Sending you a really gentle but big hug!

  8. Oh no! Connie! Hope you get better soon!! Poor thing.

    ~ Clare x


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