Tuesday, January 27, 2015

You Go, Coco!

Coco Chanel at Villa La Pausa in Roquebrune, French Riviera, with her dog, Gigot, c1930.
"Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance."
                                                                     Coco Chanel
Connie Snow at Blackbird Circle in Carlsbad, Southern California, with her dog, Pancake, c2015.
"What's for Lunch?"
                 Connie Snow

Alors, Mes Amies!!!
Just so you know, I don't spend all my time living in the past.
Follow me on Instagram.
linking up with Tres Chic Patti's Visible Monday


  1. Brilliant! Mmmmm....lunch, pancakes...you've got me hungry! I take it Instagram is your fun place at the moment?

    1. Instagram is lazy blogging. It's so darn easy.

    2. ...ah, I see...like Melanie, I don't have a phone that takes pictures...also, my phone is attached to my kitchen wall. Which is okay because I like to spend time in the kitchen, LOL. PS add Cocoa into the hungry cravings, :)

  2. Hahaha. Yes, I dumped that load of elegance out at the back door. Now where's lunch?!
    You and Pancake are way more nicer and elegant than that Coco person. (This is lazy blogger commenting.)
    I'm have fears about Instagram. I may get on there and never get out... But I don't have a phone that does pictures so I don't have to worry.

    1. Wise move to stay away. Instagram is very addictive. Just what I need. More opportunities to waste time.

  3. You looked tres chic mon amie! Pancake is so adorable! I am so glad you are on Instagram. Will definitely follow you there.

  4. Ha! Very creative and you're much cuter! For lunch we're having stripes and pancakes!

  5. I would follow you anywhere, cherie, but Instagram is for smartphoners only, and my cell is so old it has a rotary dial. But if you want to catch a flight to Roquebrune, I'm there! I'll be the simpleton to your elegance.

  6. What fun! Love this outfit and this post! I was just thinking to write about my $10 phone from Fred Meyer, but Sue's phone attached to the kitchen wall is really hard to beat! :)))

  7. Hello Connie,

    Yes, the parallels are definitely there.

    You look so casually chic in your striped top and trousers. A winning combination.

  8. Well Connie, you could well be the next new face of No 5!!

  9. I adore that you named your dog Pancake! LOL

    Love that you recreated the same photo.

    I have never to been to this wonderful land called Instagram. I'm scared about yet another social platform overtaking my life.


  10. Brilliant! You and Pancake are ready for your next fashion show. Thanks for sharing with Vis Monday! xo

  11. The perfect striped shirt is on my wish list!!!! Yours looks great. Am I following you on IG???? I need to check next time I pop on!!

  12. This is a very lovely post, Connie! You and sweet Pancake are wonderful!

  13. Très chic my friend! You are dressed for the French Corner Bakery!

    1. Actually that was my Haggo's Organic Tacos outfit.

  14. Look at you ... looking so timelessly elegant ... and look at Pancake ... looking so timelessly cute ... and hungry :0)

  15. Love it! So creative Connie. I'm following ;)

  16. And your dog adores you. Her's is kinda scarey. Maybe he's just looking French. Anyway, tres chic, tres chic, Connee (insert French accent). eh, qu'est-ce que c'est l'instagram, ma chère?

  17. No Instagram for me, so you need to keep blogging, Co-Sno, or I won't see your gorgeous chic self! Pats for Pancake, who is looking at you with radiant LOVE! xxx

  18. How fun! I love it when that kind of thing happens.

  19. I don't have an iPhone so I can't so the Instagram thingy.... pooh! I'd love to follow you!

  20. See, this is why I need a fancy phone, I'd follow you in a heartbeat, you know I'm very fond of you :-) x x x

  21. Or maybe Coco was living in the future...? Just to let you know, you wore it better.

  22. That reminds me, just saw a very cute red & white stripe lond sleeved T in a sale....maybe time to buy!!

  23. Imagine the nerve of that Chanel showing up in the same outfit! I never did like her-you look nicer (and Pancake too).

    No Instagram here because I'm a bit of a Luddite with one of those pay-as-you-go phones, but hopefully you'll cross post for us here too.

  24. Imagine the nerve of that Chanel showing up in the same outfit! I never did like her-you look nicer (and Pancake too).

    No Instagram here because I'm a bit of a Luddite with one of those pay-as-you-go phones, but hopefully you'll cross post for us here too.

  25. Cute very cute Connie - I love Coco - Elle était une révolutionnaire!



  26. Beautiful outfit, Connie, and a great post!!!

  27. Beautiful outfit, Connie, and a great post!!!

  28. You out-chic Coco, you do!
    I set up an Instagram account but then realised that it was for smartphones and that's no good for a Luddite like me whose a second-hand, pay-as-you-go mobile phone owner.

  29. Slick! What a bloody legend that woman was, and what a difference she made to women's attire!
    Hahahah, yes, it most certainly IS Butters I am referencing! Closet South Park fan! Matt and Trey are top of my most desired fantasy dinner party guest list! Mad buggers, I just love 'em and want to feed 'em up!

  30. Just thought I'd comment again cause you're so, well, so cool. Heh.

  31. Ca alors, comme tu es mignonne! I must say you give Coco a run for her money, and your quote is the best! 'What's for lunch?'. Love it! Oooooh, I've got instagram, I'm going to go and find you now. xxx

  32. How did I miss this beauty! You look absolutely gorgeous my dear! xox


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