Friday, February 1, 2013

Three Things

Hmmm...I do believe it is time to check in with the Three Things that are currently putting a Big Smile on my Face..

I saw these chairs piled up in a local restaurant and for un tout petit moment I felt like I was in Paris.

This is Pancake my Faithful Nap Buddy.
And when I need an Extra Big Smile I go to YouTube and watch Soul Train Line Dances.
There is just so much to Love about The Line Dance: the Styles, the Music, the Moves, the Memories. My sister and I spent many Saturday Mornings in our Pajamas dancing along with Soul Train. ~ Yeah, She's A Brick-House. She's Mighty Mighty....~
What are YOUR THREE THINGS??????


  1. Give Pancake a pat from me, he's so cute!
    Mine'll be the rum on ice in the freezer, The Stones CD I'm currently blasting out and the bath I'm about to wallow in!
    Happy weekend! xxx

  2. Pancake is beautiful! Almost beautiful enough to turn me into a dog person... Which is praise indeed, coming from a confirmed cat lover like myself.
    Three Things for a Big Smile? Today, they are a lie in (had it), a cat on my lap (got one) and taking my girls out in the sunshine for a amble around a charity shop or two (about to). That sounds like a good Saturday to me, and wine may be involved later, which will make it even better!
    Those Soul Train dancers are FABULOUS! Love the moves, and the style! xxxx

    1. Pancake IS beautiful. But he knows it and as a result he can be a bit of a jerk!

  3. Watching the Soul Train video was so much fun. Their fashion was fantastic. Those Parisian Cafe chairs are my favourites. Pancake is so adorable. Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Your doggy is adorable!!! Have a nice one!!!

  5. Love the Soul Train video - I think I saw Michelle Obama at the beginning! Three things today were sunshine, a nap, and stupid jokes with hubby (we drove through a town called Vida so I said, "Vida long face?" He put some leftover pasta in the microwave for about 18 minutes and I said he would have mush. He said, "How mush?").

    It's the little things!

  6. Omg- Soul Train... I used to watch that when I was a kid. :) Pancake (awesome name!) is adorable!

  7. Awwww Pancake is so adorable. You have yourself a very cute nap buddy!

    My 3 things

    - Big pink fluffy fleece pj pants
    - The fact I am going to go to the Salvation Army after my dentist appointment this afternoon. ("I will just keep saying over and over again in my head "SALVATION ARMY" until they are done!)
    - Found out lastnight I will be a FIRST TIME Auntie in September *WOOHOO* It's happening sooner than I thought it would. *haha*

  8. I <3 pancake!

    - getting parcels from Ebay
    - talking to hubby on skype
    - a nice meal and wine with friends


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