Friday, December 14, 2012


We are so much better than this.
My heart is completely broken on hearing of the events at the Connecticut elementary school.
If you live in the United States I urge you to go visit The Brady Campaign, an organization here in the States which advocates for sensible gun control.
The world will always have crazy people. We really don't need to give them easy access to guns.
This nonsense must stop.
The World has had Enough.


  1. I just posted about this!!! As someone who wants to give her future children a safer world to live in, whether that is in the USA or elsewhere, I am enraged that we are hearing about yet another school shooting. My hearts go out to everyone in Connecticut. I hope that this galvanises public opinion and action to create safer, more loving communities where this type of thing can no longer happen. USA, PLEASE CHANGE YOUR GUN REGULATIONS!!!

    Thanks so much for your link. I will share this also on my site right now.

    Much love


  2. I hear you! My heart goes to the relatives and friends of the victims. It just doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

  3. Oh Connie,my heart really goes to the bereaved families of those 5 to 10 years old children that were killed. Not at this time, weeks before Christmas. I am not from the USA, but seriously, there is really a need there for some serious Gun Control. I hope your lawmakers will take this ever seriously and really make a difference.

    1. Oh Pamela, I know. I hope my friend Obama will do something. I know he wants to. There are just so many mindless evil gun nuts in this country. It is so frustrating and heartbreaking.

  4. I will never understand why some people in America are so committed to gun ownership. It strikes me that as surely as night follows day, widespread access to guns will lead to tragedies such as this. How many dreadful examples do we need before the laws are changed? It is so sad and makes me so angry too.
    Hope you are doing OK, Connie. xxxx

    1. I know Curtise. I don't understand it either. My friends and family are all lovely sensible pacifists. But we are surrounded by ignorance. I would love to stand up to these gun nuts but they would surely shoot me.

  5. I feel like an outsider here but I have to say that I do not think gun control is the issue here. I don't want to have this argument I just want communities to become more aware of troubled kids, reach out to strangers, care more and judge less. Nothing can ever explain why this happened and stricter gun control will not keep this sort of thing from happening. I' think you guys all know I am not a crazy redneck, but I do own guns and own them responsibly. My brother in law who is Bosnian had his countries own military turn guns on them, they had nothing to defend themselves with. I try and think about this when people get so angry about guns and ignore the real issue.

    1. This is a complicated issue indeed. Mental health certainly needs to be addressed. I have teenagers. I know this is a problem. But easy access to LEGAL guns also needs to be addressed. I am not worried that our military will attack me. I am, however, worried that the eccentric guy down that street who legally purchased his gun at Big 5 Sporting Goods will. Sadly, not everybody is as sensible as you are.
      Love, Connie*

  6. I couldn't agree more Connie. All countries have mental health problems. Not all countries have easy access to guns. It's a terrible, horrible, awful, tragic situation and I thank you for taking a stand. Sarah xxx


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