Pamplemousse. The French word for Grapefruit.
I just love that word. And Now I Have Reason To Love It Even More. Here's Why:
It Smells like Teen Spirit.
No actually it Smells just like GRAPEFRUIT.
I recently read that if you Smell Like Grapefuit, you will be perceived as younger than you are.
You can read about it
Since I am not really a Plastic Surgery Type of Girl I say,
"Sign Me Up for Grapefruit!!!!!"
I sniffed a lot of Grapefruity scents until I finally narrowed it down to these two.
I am quite convinced that I Smell quite Young and Fruity.
I haven't done any proper research but I am proud to say that I haven't been offered a senior citizen discount in Weeks!
And in the process of all this Citrus smelling I have become quite enamored of that Pinky Grapefruit Color!
So when I finally decided to Buy My First Pair Of NEW SHOES In Almost THREE YEARS I didn't go for a pair of fancy Manolos. Nope. I bought some Pink Grapefruit colored
This smell business must be working on ME because this Style of Shoes is quite Young. I was By Far the Oldest Person in the Vans store....but my SMELL didn't give me away!
Jeans -Target
Smock - Eileen Fisher, purchased with my employee discount from 4 years ago
T-shirt - who cares?
Shoes - Vans
Circle Pin - Gift from my Mother-in-Law
Purple Bandaid on my arm - Flu Shot - OUCH!
What Do YOU Smell Like?????