click HERE if you like 1960's movie kitsch |
I love Science. I love Drugs.
If it weren't for drugs I wouldn't be here writing this and you might not be out there reading it.
Yikes! |
This is an actual drawer in my bathroom. It is my personal drawer.
But wouldn't that be fun?
Janis Joplin in front of the Chelsea Hotel, NYC, 1969 (by David Gahr) |
Over the past year I have taken at least one pill and in most cases all of the pills in every single one of these prescription bottles. They have ALL been legally prescribed to lil' ol' me. Anti-inflammatory, anti-nausea, anti-spasmodic, anti-anxiety, anti-biotics, pain KILLERS, the list goes on...
I am happy that I had them, though. These dolls picked me up from the bottom of the ocean and kept me afloat on the surface until I was strong enough to swim on my own.
Although recently I noticed that I was spending more time with
Sheldon, Penny and Raj then I was with my ACTUAL real-life friends. I pretty much lived in sweat pants and my son's cast-off skateboarding shirts. Not a pretty picture. And I seemed to have lost my bloggin' mojo. Oh No!
So with permission from my pushers, I mean, my doctors, I am slowly detoxing from all of my little frenemies. I am also cleaning up my act by embarking on a gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, alcohol-free, FUN-free diet.
So I'm hanging with my daughter while she's home temporarily.We're bonding over "American Horror Story ~ Coven" hence her "bloody" manicure.
Doing a little shopping.
Yummy antique blouses |
Do we need a stone squirrel? Maybe... |
Awesome doll chandelier |
Equally awesome butterfly chandelier |
Cupcakes! Just looking.... |
More awesomeness |
And adorableness |
Super adorableness |
We didn't buy this little kitty hat. Tooooooo expensive! Meow!
In fact, we didn't buy Anything. But we had a blast. Swim swim swim.
I'm spending my money HERE instead of at the pharmacy.
Sorry Pharamceutical Company Executives. Somebody else is going to have to pay for your children's fancy private school education.
Serenity Now